John Kadlecik
Are you a Grateful Dead snob? An easy way to answer that question is to read through the following list of statements. If any describe you, then you might fit the bill.
1. You will only listen to soundboard recordings.
2. You measure a person based on how many shows they saw, regardless of their age.
3. People who think Phish was the logical next step after The Grateful Dead don't have a clue.
Dark Star Orchestra will be playing a benefit show for the Rex Foundation. The show is taking place on September 27th, in Hollywood, California.
Festivities include:
Reception, Food, Drinks, Goodie Bags, Silent Auction, GA Balcony Seating and Concert Tickets: $150 & $500 (All but $60 is tax deductible)
Upgrade for Reception, with prior purchase of concert ticket: $120 & $470
I made a deal with my wife that if I could get the kids to bed, so that everything at the ol' homestead was settled and peaceful, then I could go to the show. So I went, though I was delayed enough by my two daughters that I arrived at the tail end of Dark Star Orchestra's first set. DSO is not just your average
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