
The "Grateful Garicia Gathering" will be returning back to the beautiful "Camp NCN" on August 4th, 5th, & 6th 2006, in beautiful Black River Falls Wisconsin. This mellow gathering will be a celebration of Jerry Garcia's Birthday, plus the 11th Annivesary of Jerrys untimely passing. This is going to be a very deeply humble, and special time for camping and gathering with friends of old and new!

The Grateful Dead's Donna Jean Godchaux and The Zen Tricksters, the pre-eminent jam-rock band, have come together. While having performed on occasion with the Zen Tricksters in the past, this reunion marks the second time Donna Jean has joined with this band for a complete performance. The first time was just last November 12, 2005 for the Grateful Dead's Rex Foundation. They are joining forces, along with Mookie Siegel (David Nelson Band, Phil Lesh & Friends) on keyboards and Wendy Lanter (Hope in Time) on vocals, as KETTLE JOE'S PSYCHEDELIC SWAMP REVUE.

The 4th Annual 10,000 Lakes Festival (10KLF) will open its gates July 19-22, 2006 at the scenic Soo Pass Ranch in Detroit Lakes, MN for four special days of live musical performances and campout experiences in the Minnesota North Woods.

Many leaders of the Evangelical movement came together this week to stand up for the environment. Though not all evangelicals agree with their stance, the leaders cited Bible verses for the change in their position, and are urging government, businesses and individuals to cut emissions to combat global warming.


Welcome to Pink Floyd Trivia!

Below you will find 10 difficult Pink Floyd-related trivia questions. Each question-set contains three answers. (Don't see a question here that should have been here? Have an opinion about one of the trivia questions seen here? Were these questions too trivial, too hard, too obscure, annoying, etc? Send trivial Pink Floyd comments to:

STIL (Songs that I Like) is a new original rock band showcasing the music of notorious kelowna musician Jim Le Guilloux. Formed in Jan.'05, this all-star line-up consists of some of kelowna's most talented players.

Coretta Scott King was the wife of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. She gained an international reputation as an advocate of civil rights, nonviolence, international peace, full employment, and equal rights for women. She died at the age of 78.  She embodies everything good about human beings and were not for her, MLK's voice would not have shined so bright.

King remained largely in the wings of her husband's fight for civil rights, while participating in the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott and efforts to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


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