Medeski Martin & Wood

Free Magic. Isn’t that what jazz-fusion is? Using a launch pad of some familiar melody, rhythmic riff, or instrumentation, and building it forward and outward until it gets really weird. That’s what Miles Davis realized about jazz music in the late 60s, that it was the root of all American music, and with that in mind any so-called style could be integrated into the so-called genre of jazz.

The Bear Creek music festival at the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park was a fun filled sensual delight from the tingling chill of a Friday night freeze, the warmth of the campfire, fuzzy bear costumes all around, campfire smoke whimsically dancing through the air, laser light spectacles such as green naked lady outlines surfing through the trees, and did I mention the music? Destination Funkytown. Houston, we have landed. Bear Creek kept us movn and  groonvn all night long.

Bear Creek Music & Arts Festival is thrilled to add a slew of new artists to the 2011 lineup. In true Bear Creek fashion, the lineup features the band in funk, jazz, dance and improvisational music, hosting more than 50 bands on 6 stages.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The heat resumed, but it felt so much worse after two days of partying and little sleep. I was appreciative of one thing on this sweltering morning wake-up; the showers had short lines for men, and they were only seven dollars. Therefore, although I really wanted to catch Baaba Maal’s set, I felt more rejuvenated going into the press conference with a fresh shower, breakfast, and an iced coffee. I was ready for a new day at my favorite festival.

It's a Friday night, and I'm back at the Fox Theatre in Boulder, CO.  The moon overhead is as big as it'll be for the next 8 years or so.  For the beginning of the weekend it's kind of slow, maybe because it's seriously cold outside.  The mood inside seems appropriately low key as well, featuring only three performers in total.  Joe Pug is on stage now, and the Boulder born and raised Wood Brothers

Summer seems to be coming quickly to a close, and the end of festival season is in sight.  This summer was somewhat special, as I was able to witness the birth of two new music festivals onto the scene.  In July it was the mega-sized Mile High Music Festival, and on August 16th and 17th the smaller, cozier Jackson Hole Music Festival.

Boulder loves the jazzy funk, no doubt about it, and at the top of the fan club is Boulder's college student population.  So what better place for a jamfest featuring Medeski, Martin & Wood and the Wood Brothers than in the heart of young hipsterville, right?

As I said, I had gone back to camp earlier to make sure things were as secured as possible and to attach the tent to the car just in case I needed to sleep in there that night. Good thing I had.  I awoke about 4 a.m. to raging winds and wicked rain.  I seemed securely attached…for now. The wind was blowing so hard that my tent was beginning to lean sideways.

The drum circle on Sunday morning at Wakarusa remains one of my favorite events of the festival. The energy there is just unbelievable and joyous.

On a balmy Friday evening in South Florida, with relatively low (and I say lightly) humidity, I set out on the hour long drive down to North Miami Beach to see one of my absolute favorite bands, Medeski Martin and Wood. What can you say about Medeski Martin and Wood. They are by far the most talented improvisational, funk, jazz, modern, eclectic, ground paving, limit pushing trios out there. And have been for over a decade. I picked up my friend Sarah and we hit the road.

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