On Tour

Thanks to The Grateful Web for providing my ticket in exchange for this review. The first order of business was to sell some Make Love Not War tshirts that are also available on this site. With a few beers and some other remedies of a less toxic nature we hit the parking lot. I did not actually do anything other than walk around with Mike drinking while he hustled the shirts with surprisingly effortless success.

In light of the upcoming Fourth of July I would like to invite all readers to comment with your ideas of what constitutes American Music.  We could get a very nice discussion going regarding bands, styles, influences, allusions, imagery, intent, and anything else that might come up about what American Music is, was, means and does.

This year, my "summer festival season" started with TW Classic, which can be seen as the precursor of Rock Werchter, which takes place in the same area one week later. On the agenda this year: Gabriel Rios, Brian Wilson, Novastar, Arno, Duran Duran, and Lenny Kravitz. As you can see, a mixture of Belgian and foreign bands.


Today thousands of Widespread Panic fans awoke still scratching their heads over last night's second set at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. Of course your hard-core Panic fan will analyze each set they play with both the precision of a Talmudic scholar, perfected in the mold of the Grateful Dead scholars that came before them, and the intense focus of a NASCAR mechanic, the perfect blend of rock and roll creation and down-home country-fuck.

As I awoke that Sunday, there was not much desire to trek up to Red Rocks to see a group that I was only vaguely familiar with.  I had had one of those horrible, no good, very bad weeks and did not think the Pixies were capable of solving any of my issues.  However, knowing that I had only heard pleasant statements about the Pixies, as well as the fact that my brother had extended his v


I made a deal with my wife that if I could get the kids to bed, so that everything at the ol' homestead was settled and peaceful, then I could go to the show.  So I went, though I was delayed enough by my two daughters that I arrived at the tail end of Dark Star Orchestra's first set.  DSO is not just your average

A couple of weeks ago Mike asked me to go to the Phix show at the Fox and write a review; I'm not going to write a review of a cover band, I told him. You'll wind up with ridiculous lines like "Paul was really channeling Trey on that cover of Moma Dance" or "their version of Punch You in the Eye almost made me feel like it really was Phish." Over the last several days he kept bugging me in his inimitable Yahoo!

On the anniversary of one of the all-timers, this show is held so dear by so many deadheads that it is one of the true links for newbie to old-timer (as someone notes below).  It has almost invariably been one of the first tapes of a show that we first had our minds blown by and one of the first tapes that we literally wore out...most of us know the Betty Board with the Minglewood fade in and the chunk missing (Ouch!) from Lazy Lightning>Supplication which otherwise is of great quality.  My highest recommendation is to listen regularly to the

The first night (8/10) was really nice.  We had outstanding weather, and the crowd was mellow.  As always there was lots of fun to be had in the parking lot and on the lawn.  I like PNC - the people who work there aren't lamers like the some of the people at Jones Beach.  On the way into the show we saw some interesting things..  One guy tried to smuggle beer in by storing where the sun don't shine.  Well, ok, not exactly!  He tied a jacket around his waste and lined the inside of the jacket with beer cans.  Pretty clever, but I don't think he got pas

Last night was fun...the problems were many and it was quite revealing to me why I have moved on from this scene and band, but I had a great time singing and dancing and especially enjoyed all the ballads!

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