The Wood Brothers

The early Saturday morning sun heralded a very warm day to come, but the sky was clear and looked like it would be a beautiful day. After uploading the photos I took from the day before onto my computer, I sat at my campsite and typed in Day Three's festival memories. I hauled my computer over to the VIP Chill Tent for lunch and while waiting to connect with my other photographer, I sent out Friday's report.

Musical siblings, the Wood Brothers, will be returning to the 10,000 Lakes Festival this year, touting their latest CD, Loaded.  Two years ago, in 90+ heat, festival fans packed the Barn Stage to see this  mix of southern backroads and big city boulevards.

Boulder loves the jazzy funk, no doubt about it, and at the top of the fan club is Boulder's college student population.  So what better place for a jamfest featuring Medeski, Martin & Wood and the Wood Brothers than in the heart of young hipsterville, right?