Ghost Light
Mood and muse, two inexplicably intertwined elements of an ethereal nature, yet their power to move both body and mind know no bounds. Flowing throughout the in-between like gravity and wind, these forces are foundational and creative to the many worlds that arise out of the relationship of things, out of the happenings originated by togetherness; a place born betwixt seed and light, lung and tree, heart and rhythm, a place where all things come together to form each thing (each moment) throughout all size and time. And where all things come together—so too, does mood and muse.<
There’s only one first time! And tonight’s the night. Grateful Web is thrilled to present, Ghost Light, at the Fox Theatre, Boulder, Colorado, Friday, May 11th. Join us for this fabulous event, as two of today’s hottest musicians team up with one of the best venues in the country for a quintessential exploratory musical experience.
Ghost Light is a true musical collaboration; five personalities, five perspectives, and five unique approaches towards one common sound.
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