John Kadlecik

Furthur, featuring Phil Lesh & Bob Weir played the brand new 1stBank Center in Broomfield, Colorado on March 5th & March 6th, 2010.  The Grateful Web was on hand to check out the show, take some photos, shoot some videos and soak in seeing the band a mere 1

The anticipation outside San Francisco’s Bill Graham Civic Center was at an all time peak! Dead Heads everywhere with their long hair, dread locks, beards, hemp necklaces and tie-dyed clothing were lined up outside the venue either in line or holding up their pointer finger praying for a miracle ticket. This was the kind of atmosphere I had dreamt about for years! It was beyond a rock n’ roll concert! It was the indescribable coming together of thousands of Dead Heads, who are a tribe, who become joined into one strong force once they step a foot through those auditorium doors.

One of the most anticipated shows of the Fall was Bob Weir and Phil Lesh’s new side project together called Furthur. The lineup also consists Dead keyboardist Jeff Chimenti and Dark Star Orchestra lead guitarist and vocalist John Kadlecik. Dark Star Orchestra is considered the best Grateful Dead cover band in the country because of Kadlecik’s ability to sing in a very similar mellifluous voice like Jerry Garcia is part of his attraction to longtime Dead Heads.

Keepers of the flame. Revivers of the vibe. The ultimate players in the game of cover band glory.—Whatever title you pin on Dark Star Orchestra, doesn’t nearly encapsulate their dedication, precision and drive. Getting everything right, even the simple sounds of instrumental tuning, is something that they take very seriously.

Are you a Grateful Dead snob? An easy way to answer that question is to read through the following list of statements. If any describe you, then you might fit the bill.
1. You will only listen to soundboard recordings.
2. You measure a person based on how many shows they saw, regardless of their age.
3. People who think Phish was the logical next step after The Grateful Dead don't have a clue.

Dark Star Orchestra will be playing a benefit show for the Rex Foundation.  The show is taking place on September 27th, in Hollywood, California.

Festivities include:

Reception, Food, Drinks, Goodie Bags, Silent Auction, GA Balcony Seating and Concert Tickets: $150 & $500 (All but $60 is tax deductible)

Upgrade for Reception, with prior purchase of concert ticket:  $120 & $470

I made a deal with my wife that if I could get the kids to bed, so that everything at the ol' homestead was settled and peaceful, then I could go to the show.  So I went, though I was delayed enough by my two daughters that I arrived at the tail end of Dark Star Orchestra's first set.  DSO is not just your average