Railroad Earth

It’s been a successful 2014, all around for RAILROAD EARTH, whose latest release, Last Of The Outlaws, seems to have endless legs.

Railroad Earth | Bird In A House | Red Rocks
Railroad Earth | Like a Buddha | Red Rocks

Summer is coming to a simmer while plans at Hangtown Halloween Ball are just heating up.

For bluegrass fans it doesn’t get much better than YarmonyGrass: picturesque Colorado weather, great friends, and top-notch picking in one of the most beautiful parts of Colorado. From August 15th to the 17th, bluegrass lovers gathered at Rancho Del Rio for the ninth annual YarmonyGrass festival, and the results were more than pleasing.

Rancho Del Rio

No single thing makes a festival the “best festival ever.” Sure, one great band can make it really good. Or maybe the campground scene was where it was at. But it’s really when you group those moments with the ones of unbearable laughter, silly dancing, and inspirational people that a festival becomes the “best ever.” And you know what? The Northwest String Summit consistently brings the best.

After I witness a transformative set of music, this is what inevitably occurs when the dust settles. After a band plays high energy, pedal-to-the-metal music for a cool 100-minutes, it’s difficult to ascertain which pieces stood out as the highlights among many other highlights – the crème de la crème. That’s why I try to balance dancing and having fun with taking notes in the middle of a song or right after it ends. It’s the only way I can filter the musical narrative and determine the truly supernal from the “merely” superb.

Railroad Earth's 4th annual Hangtown Halloween Ball announces their second wave of the lineup including moe., Brothers Comatose,

Railroad Earth are happy to announce their return to Atlanta’s Variety Playhouse with 3 shows to ring in 2015: Monday, 12/29; Tuesday, 12/30 and a special New Year’s Eve celebration on Wednesday, 12/31.Presale multi-night tickets ONLY go on sale today and can be purchased here.RRE would also like to let fans know that their Horn O’ Plenty Getaway returns to the Sherman Theatre in Stroudsburg, PA

Hangtown Halloween Ball just unleashed the first wave lineup announcements for their 4th annual harvest celebration including 3-nights of Railroad Earth along with the Meter Men featuring Zigaboo Modeliste, Leo Nocentelli, George Porter Jr. with special guest Robert Walter, Leftover Salmon featuring Bill Payne