My father used to call it ‘blowing out the carbs..’ I was a little girl, in Northeast Texas, in the middle 70s. We had old cars, my entire childhood, often hotrods, or in leaner times at least a family car with a big-assed surprise under the hood..
Some of those older hot rods of his were high-performance cars that had four-barrel carburetors. If you drove slowly around town, you'd use only two of the barrels. To exercise the other barrels and keep them from sticking, you'd have to get the car on the highway and accelerate hard for at least a short time.
Overall, the general tide in Indie rock pulls heavily towards the twinkley. Lots of synth, lots of electronics, lots of over-dubbing, lots of special effects, and less dirty guitar with each passing year. Not that I would attempt to deny the appeal that this trend has – I’ve grown fond of pretty much the whole spectrum over the past decade – but what this trend conspicuously lacks is grit. Grit and twinkle just don’t go that well together.
Howdy Halloween freakers, Vince Herman here! The Salmon are swimming into the Fillmore again for a wild night of music, costumes, debauchery and late night parading down Colfax!
Formed in 2003 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Crystal Castles consists of producer Ethan Kath and vocalist Alice Glass. They are named after the lyrics "The fate of the world is safe in Crystal Castles" and "Crystal Castles, the source of all power" both from the theme song for She-Ra's fortress. They are known for their melancholic lo-fi sound and their explosive live shows. Their debut album was included in NME's "Top 50 Albums of the Decade".
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The heat resumed, but it felt so much worse after two days of partying and little sleep. I was appreciative of one thing on this sweltering morning wake-up; the showers had short lines for men, and they were only seven dollars. Therefore, although I really wanted to catch Baaba Maal’s set, I felt more rejuvenated going into the press conference with a fresh shower, breakfast, and an iced coffee. I was ready for a new day at my favorite festival.
In the midst of his second European tour in the last six months Trombone Shorty (Troy Andrews) was joined by his mentor and former bandleader Lenny Kravitz, who surprised Troy’s fans onstage in Paris on October 13th to sit in on drums. This was followed by a late-night session in the studio, where Andrews added some touches to Mr. Kravitz’ upcoming CD, which already includes horn parts Troy had recorded at Lenny’s studio in Caribbean.
Save Saturday, December 4th to join the Rex Foundation at The Fillmore in San Francisco for a special night of music and connection: The Wheel - A Musical Celebration of Jerry Garcia. Watch for the full announcement within the week, including ticket details.
There are also some great Rex Musical Caravan events taking place over the next few weeks in different cities that we hope you'll enjoy:
Dear Dead Heads:
In 1964, Jerry Garcia and his buddy Sandy Rothman packed up a tape recorder and took off for the American South on a bluegrass pilgrimage. One of the groups they most wanted to see was “Jim and Jesse” (McReynolds), of Dothan, Alabama. They saw them, and they had a ball.
Jim and Jesse went on to legendary status in the bluegrass world with more than 45 years at the Grand Ol’ Opry, Grammys, and membership in any Hall of Fame that means anything to this music.
Today, Bear Creek Music Festival unveils the 2010 Festival Stage Schedule. With music in six different venues, Bear Creek offers nearly round-the-clock options with an incredible lineup. Headliners moe.
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