In 2019, the legendary rock band KISS embarked on their farewell tour, known as the "End of the Road" tour. They initially planned their final performance for the summer of 2021 at an undisclosed location. However, the pandemic led to the postponement and eventual cancellation of many tours, including theirs. Their touring resumed in 2021, and they recently announced their final shows for December 2023.
On a brisk Friday evening, November 17th, 2023, the Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara, California, was enlivened with the spirit of progressive rock. Steve Hackett, the iconic former lead guitarist of Genesis (1971-1977), graced the stage, culminating his six-week U.S. tour with a performance that underscored his timeless musical genius and the lasting impact of his rich, complex compositions.
On Saturday, November 25, the Taft Theater in Cincinnati was graced with an unforgettable and impactful Papadosio concert. The five-member psychedelic 'jamtronic' band delivered an impressive two-hour performance filled with non-stop music.
Railroad Earth's Horn O'Plenty concerts have become an annual Thanksgiving tradition, featuring multiple nights of performances by the band along with special guests opening each night. Since 2006, the band has graced the stage at the Sherman Theater every Thanksgiving, marking the commencement of the holiday tour season.
Devo, the trailblazing new wave ensemble, marked an electrifying culmination to their five-decade journey at the YouTube Theater in Los Angeles, enchanting the audience with their final bow on November 16, 2023. The concert was not just a performance but a vibrant homage to their illustrious career, replete with seminal tracks such as "Whip It," "Girl U Want," and "Freedom of Choice." As they neared the end of their U.S.
For years Dave Matthews Band has made its way to The Garden in New York, NY for two nights in November... Friday, November 17th we got a chance to join in on night one of the collective’s Walk Around The Moon fall tour at the venue. It is commonplace for the group to cajole their many friends to play along on these dates and this two-night stint was no exception.
In the early 80s (I know, I’m dating myself), my East Coast friends raved about their local hippie band Max Creek. When I visited my crew in Connecticut in 1984, they took me to my first Creek show. The vibe was Grateful Dead-ish, but Max Creek had their own flavor. It was like trying on a new pair of prewashed jeans in a new color. They weren't the same old jeans, but they were my kind of jeans.
Bonnie & Taylor Sims sold out the historic Armory Music Venue in Fort Collins last night. The husband-and-wife Texas natives, who have called Colorado their home for several years, have established a loyal, loving fan base here. Armed with fire in their hearts, acoustic guitars, and mile-high smiles, the two were welcomed with open arms by the enthusiastic audience.
The City Winery Hudson Valley in Montgomery, NY, is a destination venue that everyone should have on their list of places to visit. The location is great, it’s easy to get to, and it boasts a cool ambiance, an excellent dinner menu, friendly staff, as well as locally-sourced wines and beers. Seeing the Cowboy Junkies, one of my favorite bands, at the City Winery Hudson Valley, makes for a perfect evening.
Day Four of Hulaween, recorded in history as occurring on Sunday, October 29, 2023, came way too quickly. Everyone had figured out where everything was, and life was rolling in this gathering with upwards of 25k people. The Spirit of the Suwanee Music Park had impeccable weather on this closing day which included an afternoon set from The String Cheese Incident and a twilight set from Pretty Lights.
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