Michael Travis
In all death there is rebirth, and following Joe Cahill’s (long time and beloved Fox Theater, Boulder Theater, and Leftover Salmon lighting designer) tragic death just a few short weeks ago I witnessed a community re-born, bound together after calamity.
Much like their live shows, the electronic-improv duo EOTO (Michael Travis and Jason Hann) continue to change and morph over time. From their humble beginnings a few years ago as a basement project to the explosive club juggernaut they have become, the group has redrawn the boundaries of performing live electronic music.
Describe them anyway you want; whether it be glitch, trance, trip-hop, ambient, dub-step, or electronica. The fact remains that the explosive improvisational duo known as EOTO are just plain badass. Multi-instrumentalists and sometimes String Cheese Incident members Jason Hann and Michael Travis continue to explore the universe and conquer galaxies with their house-pounding beats and cosmic rhythms. What was born out of the extended SCI hiatus as an experimental project has grown to a full-on club headliner. With the release of
Living in Colorado, the chance of an epic snowfall during the winter can be pretty good. One such weather occurrence happened in late 2006 when three straight weekends of blizzards hit Denver and the surrounding Front Range. The city essentially shut down those days, and holiday travels were next to impossible. In the midst of those storms a highly anticipated two-night run of the Stephen Perkins-led project Banyan was cancelled. As fate might have it, out of the darkness came light as a new improv group called PRAANG was born.
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